Knowing you as I know I do

What have I just missed
In meeting you today,
Already knowing you
As I know I do?
What in you was there
For me to learn
And love and nurture
That I could not see
For knowing you
As I know I do?
Is there something in you
That I will not see or know
Out of fear and dread?
Will you still love me
If I met you today afresh?
Will I still love you?
What does it say about me
If I did not know you
As I know I do?
Who would I be
If I was not sure who you are
In the unknowing
Of truly meeting you anew
Right now?
And here you are.
Where do we go from here?
Who are you now, today, this moment?
Rawness, excitement, edge.
Pulse racing – breath catching.
Face burning. Palms sweating.
Seeing you! Anew!
Do you love me? Don’t you love me?
Do I love you? Don’t I love you?
As if we were right at the beginning of falling in love again.
What joy. What delicious gut-wrenching tension and trepidation.
Thank God I am alive.
Thank God you are here with me!
What magic awaits us now?
In not
Knowing you as I know I do?
(Inspired by my dear friends in Relume and their book on the Challenger Spirit)
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